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Dr. Katharina Achazi

Assoziierte Postdoktorandin im Teilprojekt A02, Leitung Prof. Dr. R. Haag

Teilprojekt A02: Polymer architecture with responsive nanocarriers for drug delivery


SFB 1112-Publikationen:

Tu Z, Achazi K, Schulz A, Mülhaupt R, Thierbach S, Rühl E, Adeli M, Haag R. 2017. Combination of surface charge and size controls the cellular uptake of functionalized graphene sheets. Adv Funct Mater 27:1701837 DOI 10.1002/adfm.201701837 (11 pages)

Giulbudagian M, Asadian-Birjand M, Steinhilber D, Achazi K, Molina M, Calderón M 2014. Fabrication of thermoresponsive nanogels by thermo-nanoprecipitation and in situ encapsulation of bioactives. Polym Chem 5:6909-6913 DOI 10.1039/C4PY01186D

Asadian-Birjand M, Bergueiro J, Rancan F, Cuggino JC, Mutihac RC, Achazi K, Derneddle J, Blume-Peytavi U, Vogt A, Calderón M 2015. Engineering thermoresponsive polyether-based nanogels for temperature dependent skin penetration. Polym Chem 6:5827-5831 DOI 10.1039/c5py00924c

Chen W, Achazi K, Schade B, Haag R 2015. Charge-conversional and reduction-sensitive poly(vinyl alcohol) nanogels for enhanced cell uptake and efficient intracellular doxorubicin release. J Control Release 205:15-24 DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.11.012

Lukowiak MC, Ziem B, Achazi K, Gunkel-Grabole G, Popeney CS, Thota BNS, Böttcher C, Krueger A, Guan Z, Haag R 2015. Carbon-based cores with polyglycerol shells - the importance of core flexibility for encapsulation of hydrophobic guests. J Mater Chem B 3:719-722 DOI 10.1039/c4tb01858c

Fleige E, Achazi K, Schaletzki K, Triemer T, Haag R 2014. pH-Responsive dendritic core-multishell nanocarriers. J Control Release 185:99-108 DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.04.019

Giulbudagian M, Asadian-Birjand M, Steinhilber D, Achazi K, Molina M, Calderón M 2014. Fabrication of thermoresponsive nanogels by thermo-nanoprecipitation and in situ encapsulation of bioactives. Polym Chem 5:6909-6913 DOI 10.1039/C4PY01186D