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Catalina Biglione, M. Sc. Chemistry

Gastdoktorandin und Stipendiatin des IRTG "Nanocarriers"
in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderón, Teilprojekt A04

Gastwissenschaftlerin: Faculty of Chemistry, National University of Cordoba, Argentina

Projekt: Thermoresponsive nanogels for topical application

SFB 1112-Publikationen

Asadian-Birjand M, Biglione C, Bergueiro J, Cappelletti A, Rahane C, Chate G, Khandare J, Klemke B, Strumia MC, Calderón M 2016. Transferrin decorated thermoresponsive nanogels as magnetic trap devices for circulating tumor cells. Macromol Rapid Commun 37:439-445 DOI 10.1002/marc.201500590

Biglione C, Sousa-Herves A, Menger M, Wedepohl S, Calderón M, Strumia MC 2015. Facile ultrasonication approach for the efficient synthesis of ethylene glycol-based thermoresponsive nanogels. RSC Adv 5:15407 DOI 10.1039/c4ra15784b (epub)