Robert Brodwolf
Doktorand in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Ulrike Alexiev, Teilprojekt B03
Volz P, Schilrreff P, Brodwolf R, Wolff C, Stellmacher J, Balke J, Morilla MJ, Zoschke C, Schäfer-Korting M, Alexiev U 2017. Pitfalls in using fluorescence tagging of nanomaterials: tecto-dendrimers in skin tissue as investigated by Cluster-FLIM. Ann NY Acad Sci 1405:202-214 DOI 10.1111/nyas.13473
Alexiev U, Volz P, Boreham A, Brodwolf R 2016. Time-resolved fluorescence microscopy (FLIM) as an analytical tool in skin nanomedicine. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 116:111-124 DOI 10.1016/j.ejpb.2017.02.005 (Review)
Löwenau LJ, Zoschke C, Brodwolf R, Volz P, Hausmann C, Wattanapitayakul S, Boreham A, Alexiev U, Schäfer-Korting M 2017. Increased permeability of reconstructed human epidermis from UVB-irradiated keratinocytes. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 116:149-154 DOI 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.12.017
Radbruch M, Pischon H, Ostrowski A, Volz P, Brodwolf R, Neumann F, Unbehauen M, Kleuser B, Haag R, Ma N, Alexiev U, Mundhenk L, Gruber AD 2017. Dendritic core-multishell nanocarriers in murine models of healthy and atopic skin. Nanoscale Res Lett 12:64 DOI 10.1186/s11671-017-1835-0 (online publication, 12 pages)
Zhang N, Said A, Wischke C, Kral V, Brodwolf R, Volz P, Boreham A, Gerecke C, Li W, Neffe AT, Kleuser B, Alexiev U, Lendlein A, Schäfer-Korting M 2017. Poly[acrylonitrile-co-(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)] nanoparticles - composition-dependent skin penetration enhancement of a dye probe and biocompatibility. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 116:66-75 DOI 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.10.019
Boreham A, Pikkemaat J, Volz P, Brodwolf R, Kuehne C, Licha K, Haag R, Dernedde J, Alexiev U 2016. Detecting and quantifying biomolecular interactions of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate nanoparticle using fluorescence lifetime measurements. Molecules 21:22 DOI: 10.3390/molecules21010022 (epub, 13 pages)
Witting M, Boreham A, Brodwolf R, Vávrová K, Alexiev U, Friess W, Hedtrich S 2015. Interactions of hyaluronic acid with the skin and implications for the dermal delivery of biomacromolecules. Mol Pharm 12:1391-1401 DOI 10.1021/mp500676e
Alnasif N, Zoschke C, Fleige E, Brodwolf R, Boreham A, Rühl E, Eckl KM, Merk HF, Hennies HC, Alexiev U, Haag R, Küchler S, Schäfer-Korting M 2014. Penetration of normal, damaged and diseased skin - An in vitro study on dendritic core-multishell nanotransporters. J Control Release 185:45-50 DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.04.006
Boreham A, Brodwolf R, Pfaff M, Kim T-Y, Schlieter T, Mundhenk L, Gruber AD, Gröger D, Licha K, Haag R, Alexiev U 2014. Temperature and environment dependent dynamic properties of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate. Polym Adv Technol 25:1329-1336 DOI 10.1002/pat.3355
Ostrowski A, Nordmeyer D, Boreham A, Brodwolf R, Mundhenk L, Fluhr JW, Lademann J, Graf C, Rühl E, Alexiev U, Gruber AD 2014. Skin barrier disruptions in tape stripped and allergic dermatitis models have no effect on dermal penetration and systemic distribution of AHAPS-functionalized silica nanoparticles. Nanomedicine 10:1571-1581. DOI 10.1016/j.nano.2014.04.004