Dr. Toufik Naolou, Dipl.-Chem.
ehemaliger Postdoktorand in der Arbeitsgruppe Dr. A. Neffe
Biomimetische Materialien
Institut für Biomaterialforschung
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Campus Teltow
Tel.: +49-3328-352510
E-Mail: Toufik.Naolou (at) hzg.de
Teilprojekt A03:
Drug releasing, biodegradable depsipeptide nanoparticles for dermal treatments
SFB 1112-Publikationen:
Wang W, Nalou T, Ma N, Deng Z, Xu X, Mansfeld U, Wischke C, Gossen M, Neffe AT, Lendlein A 2017. Polydepsipeptide block-stabilized polyplexes for efficient transfection of primary human cells. Biomacromolecules 18:3819-3833 DOI 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01034
Naolou T, Rühl E, Lendlein E 2017. Nanocarriers: Architecture, transport, and topical application of drugs for therapeutic use. Accepted for publication in: Eur J Pharm Biopharm DOI 10.106/j.ejpb.2017.03.004 (Editorial)
Brunacci N, Wischke C, Naolou T, Neffe AT, Lendlein A 2017. Influence of surfactants on depsipeptide submicron
Naolou T, Lendlein A, Neffe AT 2016. Influence of metal softness on the metal-organic catalyzed polymerization of morpholin-2,5-diones to oligodepsipeptides. Eur Polym J, 85:139-149 DOI 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2016.10.011