Guests of SFB 1112
Visiting Scientist of CRC 1112
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Podgornik (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana,Slovenia), Host: Prof. Dr. R. Netz (Project B04)
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Renneberg (Professor of Biotechnology, Chemistry Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Host: Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. J. Lademann (Project C05)
Yinan Zhong, MSc (College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, China), Host: Prof. Dr. R. Haag (Project A02)
Dr. Kishore Golla (Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Science, University of Hyderabad), Host: Prof. Dr. Monika Schäfer-Korting and Prof. Dr. Sarah Hedtrich (Project C02)
Prof. Dr. Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Metabolic and Vascular Health, Warwick Systems Biology Centre, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Host: Prof. Dr. U. Alexiev (Project B03)
Prof. Dr. Kateřina Vávrová, (Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic), Host: Prof. Dr. Sarah Hedtrich (Project C02)
Lic. Catalina Biglione, BSc (Hons.) Chemistry (Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina), Host: Jun.-Prof. Dr. M. Calderón (Project A04)
Dr. Lingyan Gao (Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China), Host: Prof. Dr. R. Haag (Project A02)
Dr. Viktor Korzhikov (Institute of Chemistry, State University of St. Petersburg, Russland), Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Dr. Lydia Bouchet (Department of Physical Chemistry, National University of Cordoba, Argentinien), Gastgeber: Jun.-Prof. Dr. M. Calderón (Teilprojekt A04)
Ehsan Mohammadifar (School of Chemistry, University College of Science, University of Tehran, Iran), Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag (Teilprojekte A02 und A04)
Julia Sobinina (Institute of Chemistry, State University of St. Petersburg, Russland), Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Alena Vdovchenko (Institute of Chemistry, State University of St. Petersburg, Russland), Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Bianca Bueno Fontanezi (Faculty of Pharmaceuticals Science of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Brasilien), Gastgeberin: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Teilprojekt Z01)
Guestspeakers in the frame of CRC 1112 events
Prof. Dr. Howard I. Maibach (Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Franzisco)
Talk, 01.11.2013, Opening Ceremony of SFB 1112: Nano percutaneuous penetration in vivo in man: why & where - perplexities
Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr (Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Saarbrücken)
Talk, 01.11.2013, Opening Ceremony of SFB 1112: Nanomedicines for drug delivery across biological barrieres: intestines, skin, and lung
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Podgornik (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana,Slovenia), Host: Prof. Dr. R. Netz (Project B04)
Talk, 12.12.2013, SFB Colloquium: DNA-protein interactions in virus-like nanoparticles
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Renneberg (Chemistry Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Host: Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. J. Lademann (Projekt C05)
Talk, 18.12.2013, SFB Colloquium: Triggered particles for drug delivery into the skin
Prof. Dr. Zhiyuan Zhong, Biomedical Polymers Laboratory, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Soochow University, China; Host: Prof. Dr. R. Haag (Projects A02 and A04)
Talk, 30.01.2014, SFB Colloquium: Design of stimuli-sensitive degradable polymeric nanocarriers for targeted drug and protein delivery
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Zentel, Institut für Organische Chemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Sprecher des SFB 1066 "Nanodimensionale polymere Therapeutika für die Tumortherapie"; Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 13.02.2014, SFB Colloquium: Polymeric carriers by controlled polymerization techniques
Prof. Dr. Amedea Barozzi Seabra, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Exact and Earth sciences Department, Federal University of Sao Paulo; Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. M. Calderón (Project A04)
Talk, 20.02.2014, SFB-colloquium: Nitric-oxide releasing biomaterials for topical applications
Yinan Zhong, MSc, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, China; Host: Prof. Dr. R. Haag (Project A02)
Talk in the frame of a SFB Special Seminary, 21.03.2014: Tumor Targeted Drug Delivery System
Prof. Dr. Jörg Rademann, Institut für Pharmazie, Medizinische Chemie, Freie Universität Berlin; Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 08.05.2014, SFB Colloquium: Glycolipid-based nanocarriers: From biosurfactants to drug encapsulation and release
Dr. Kishore Golla, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Science, University of Hyderabad; Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting, Dr. S. Küchler (Project C02)
Talk, 08.05.2014, SFB Colloquium: Doxorubicin nanoformulations of apotransferrin and lactoferrin: bioavailability and efficacy in rat hepatocellular carcinoma
Dr. Chakkumkal Anish, Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloidforschung, Potsdam/Golm, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 26.06.2014, SFB Colloquium: Vaccine delivery approaches to target the glycan barrier of pathogens
Dr. Noel Elman, Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, Massachuseetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 03.07.2014, Special Seminary: Biomedical Microdevices for Clinical Applications
Dr. Wolfgang Parak, Biophotonik, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 17.07.2014, SFB Colloquium: How physicochemical properties of colloidal nano- and microparticles influence their interaction with cells.
Dr. Priscila Schilrreff, Department of Science and Technology, National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Projects C02, Z01)
Talk, 31.07.2014, SFB-Kolloquium: Tecto-dendrimers: avoiding drug resistance on melanoma cells
Dr. Andrea Haase, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK, and B02)
Talk, 31.07.2014, SFB Colloquium: Mechanistic insights into nanoparticle toxicity
Prof. Dr. Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Metabolic and Vascular Health, Warwick Systems Biology Centre, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Host: Prof. Dr. U. Alexiev (Project B03)
Talk, 20.08.2014, Special Seminary: Lipids sticking to droplets, proteins and carbon nanotubes
Dr. Emanuel Fleige, Dendropharm GmbH, Berlin, Host: Student Representatives of the IRTG
Talk, 21.10.2014, Student Symposium of IRTG "Nanocarriers: Core-Multishell Nanocarriers for Various Applications – an Overview
Prof. Dr. Katharina Landfester, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Host: Student Representatives of the IRTG
Talk, 22.10.2014, Student Symposium of IRTG "Nanocarriers: Nanocapsules for biomedical application
PD Dr. Volker Mailänder, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Host: Student Representatives of the IRTG
Talk, 22.10.2014, Student Symposium of IRTG "Nanocarriers: Defining the nanoparticulate portal of entry and intracellular trafficking.
Dr. Roger Albert Wepf, EMEZ, Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology/ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK, and B02)
Talk, November 13, 2014, SFB-Colloquium: The human skin barrier(s): Reviewing skin by correlative microscopy
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Neubert, Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmacy, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 04.12.2014, SFB Kolloquium: Colloidal nano-sized carrier systems for dermal and transdermal drug targeting
Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche, Research Group Toxicology, Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Projects C02, Z01)
Talk, 05.02.2015, SFB Colloquium: Biology of AH Receptor in Skin
PD Dr. Marcus Weber, Numerical Analysis and Modelling, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Projects C02, Z01)
Talk, 05.02.2015, SFB Colloquium: Free Energy Simulations of Cargo-Carrier Interactions for Core-Multishell Nanotransporters
Dr. Noel Elman, Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, Massachuseetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 10.03.2015, Special Seminar: Next Generation of Controlled Drug Delivery Systems
Prof. Dr. Kateřina Vávrová, Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Host: Prof. Dr. Sarah Hedtrich (Project C02)
Talk, 13.03.2015, Special Seminar: Ceramides in the skin barrier
Prof. Dr. Hans Börner, Laboratory for Organic Synthesis of Functional Systems, Department of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. R. Rühl (Speaker, Projects Z02, MGK and B02)
Talk, 21.05.2015, SFB Colloquium: Specifically Interacting Polymers: Possibilities offered for biomedical applications
Lic. Catalina Biglione, BSc (Hons.) Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina, Host: Jun.-Prof. Dr. M. Calderón (Project A04)
Talk, 21.05.2015, SFB Colloquium: Facile ultrasonication approach for the efficient synthesis of ethylene glycol-based thermoresponsive nanogels
Prof. Dr. Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Department of Biomedicine and Systems Biology, Division of Metabolic and Vascular Health, Wariwck Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Host: Prof. Dr. U. Alexiex (Project B03)
Gender-Talk, 28.05.2015: Athena SWAN and Science Grrl - examples for initiatives in the UK to address the gender gap in science
Prof. Dr. Emma Sparr, Physical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden, Host: Prof. Dr. R. Netz (Project B04)
Talk, 18.06.2015, SFB Colloquium: Stratum corneum - a responding barrier membrane
Prof. Dr. Joke Bouwstra, Drug Delivery Technology, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Faculty of Science, Leiden University, Niederlande, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Projects C02, Z01)
Talk, 09.07.2015, SFB Colloquium: Do lipids matter for the barrier function of human skin?
Dr. Robert Landsiedel, Experimental Toxicology and Ecology, BASF, Ludwigshafen, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Projects C02, Z01)
Talk, 30.07.2015, SFB Colloquium: Investigation and assessment of toxic effects of industrial nanomaterials
Dr. Viktor Korzhikov, Institute of Chemistry, State University of St. Petersburg, Russland, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Talk, 01.12.2015, Special Seminar: Biofunctional and biodegradable materials for tissue engineering and drug delivery
Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch, Periodontology and Synoptic Dentistry, Charité Centrum Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Talk 07.01.2016, SFB Kolloquium: Antimicrobial Peptides in the Gingival Epithelium
Prof. Dr. Karsten Heyne, Experimental Physics, Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Talk 14.01.2016, SFB Colloquium: Improving fluorescence signals from dyes in biological samples
Dr. Christian Wischke, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology (Controlled Delivery Systems), Institute of Biomaterial Science, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Campus Teltow, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Talk 04.02.2016, SFB Colloquium: Protein binding and cellular interaction of copolymer nanoparticles
Dr. Linyang Gao, Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Project B02)
Talk 04.02.2016, SFB Colloquium: Stimuli-responsive supramolecular nanogels for skin drug delivery
Dr. Matthias Barz, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Organic Chemistry, Gastgeber: Studentische Vertreter des IRTG
Gastvortrag am 09.03.2016, Student Symposium: Nanosized Drug Delivery and Imaging Systems: General Concepts, Interesting Pitfalls and Future Perspectives
Dr. Emanuel Fleige, Dendorpharm GmbH, Berlin, Gastgeber: Studentische Vertreter des IRTG
Gastvortrag am 11.03.2016, Student Symposium: CMS Nanocarrier - approval as a pharmaceutical excipient for a veterinary drug
Prof. Dr. Wim Hennink, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Invited Plenary Talk, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Polymeric nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery
Prof. Dr. K. Landfester, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
Invited Progress Report, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: The importance of the protein corona for targeted drug delivery
Prof. Dr. Yan-Ping Chen, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Contributed Talk, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Application of the supercritical fluid process on the re-crystallization and micronization of active pharmaceutical ingredients for the treatment of skin disease
Thais .N. Barradas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:
Contributed Talk, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Hydrogel-thickened nanoemulsions as pH-dependent transdermal delivery systems of Psoralen
Vaibhav Dubey, Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., Vadodara, India
Contributed Talk, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Conceptualization of siRNA delivery to skin cells via flexible nanodendrosomes
Dennis Kaden, Surflay Nanotec GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Contributed Talk, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Fluorescent particles for pH sensing in hair follicles
Prof. Dr. Alfred Fahr, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Invited Progress Report, 14.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Lipid-based colloidal systems for drug delivery into skin
Prof. Dr. Joke Bouwstra, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands
Invited Plenary Talk, 15.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Intradermal vaccination by means of microneedles and nanoparticles
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Nienhaus, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Invited Progress Report, 15.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: The Protein Corona on Nanoparticles: Insights from Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy
Prof. Dr. Samir Mitragotri, University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A
Invited Progress Report, 15.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Acne: From Bench to Clinics
Prof. Dr. Michael Roberts, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Invited Plenary Talk, 15.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Topical and cutaneous delivery using nanosystems
Dr. Fitsum Sahle, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Contributed Talk, 15.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Synthesis and characterization of thermoresponsive nanogels for controlled delivery of drugs through the hair follicle
Prof. Dr. Robert Gurny, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Invited Progress Report, 15.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Preclinical testing of tacrolimus loaded micellar nanocarriers for the treatment of psoriasis: Advantages over conventional treatments
Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany:
Invited Plenary Talk, 16.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Nanotechnology approaches for non-invasive antigen delivery via the hair follicles
Anne-Sophie Boisgard, Université Lyon, France
Contributed Talk, 16.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Hydrogel formulation of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanoparticles containing JAK/Stat inhibitors for topical treatment of psoriasis
Dr. Guy Yealland, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Contributed Talk, 16.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Thermoresponsive nanogel mediated protein replacement therapy restores skin-barrier function to full-thickness skin models derived from transglutaminase 1 deficient patients
Prof. Dr. Johanna M. Brandner, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Invited Progress Report, 16.03.2016, International Conference on Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers: Contribution of tight junctions to skin barrier function
Prof. Dr. Johanna M. Brandner, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany; Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk, 12.05.2016, SFB Colloquium: Tight junctions in healthy and diseased skin
Prof. Dr. Nobuhiro Kosugi, Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan; Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk, 13.06.2016, SFB Special Seminar: Development of in situ/operando soft X-ray absorption sample cells
Prof. Dr. Daniel Klinger, Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie, Institut für Pharmazie, Freie Universität Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk 30.06.2016, SFB Colloqium: Responsive Polymeric Nanoparticles: From Triggered Release to Dynamic Shape Change
Dr. Lydia M. Bouchet, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentinien, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk 30.06.2016, SFB Colloquium: Tacrolimus and Dexamethasone Covalent Dual Labelling for Skin Internalization Tracking with FLIM and EPR
Prof. Dr. Ulrich F. Schäfer, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk 07.07.2016, SFB Colloquium: Experimental data acquisition for in-silico skin absorption modeling
Dr. Dominik Selzer, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk 07.07.2016, SFB Colloquium: Experiment-based in-silico models to simulate and predict skin absorption
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch, Abt. f. Pharmazeutische Technologie, Centrum für Chemie und Biomedizin, Institut für Pharmazie, Universität Innsbruck, Österreich, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk 14.07.2016, SFB Colloquium: Micro- and nanocarriers: Strategies to overcome the mucus gel barrier
Prof. Dr. Jos Paulusse, Biomaterials Science and Technology, University Twente, Host: Prof. Dr. R. Haag (Projects A02, A04):
Talk 17.11.2016, SFB Special Seminar: Degradable vinyl polymers in gene delivery
Prof. Dr. Robert Gurny, Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva - University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02)
Talk 26.01.2017, SFB Colloquium: Formulation strategies for poorly soluble drugs
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frieß, Department of Pharmacy - Center for Drug Research, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Host: Prof. Dr. S. Hedtrich (rojekt C02):
Talk 09.03.2017, SFB Colloquium: Protein instability and immunogenicity: roadblocks to clinical application of protein delivery systems
PD Dr. Kerstin Danker, Institut für Biochemie, Charité Centrum Grundlagenmedizin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. B. Kleuser (Deputy Speaker, Project Z01):
Talk 23.03.2017, SFB Kolloquium: The synthetic phospholipid Ino-C2-PAF – a novel therapeutic principle to treat inflammatory diseases”
PD Dr. Arne Schäfer, Parodontologie und Synoptische Zahnmedizin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. B. Kleuser (Deputy Speaker, Project Z01):
Talk 23.03.2017, SFB Kolloquium: Genetic risk factors of oral inflammatory diseases
Dr. Kerstin Wolk and Dr. Ellen Witte, Psoriasis Forschungs- und Behandlungs-Centrum, Institut für Medizinische Immunologie & Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Meinke (Project B01):
Talk 22.06.2017, SFB Colloquium: Short introduction into psoriasis (K. Wolk), IL-22 as key mediator of the epidermal alterations in psoriasis (E. Witte), IL-29 as a novel TH17 cytokine that mediates the antiviral competence of the psoratic epidermis (K. Wolk)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bäumer, Institut für Pharmakologie, FB Veterinärmedizin, Freie Universität Berlin, Host: Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02):
Talk 06.07.2017, SFB Colloquium: Hit the road JAK – JAK inhibitors for the topical treatment of atopic dermatitis
Dr. Ludger Neumann, Wissenschaftl. Direktor, L'Oréal, Düsseldorf; Dr. Jonathan Vonnemann, Catenion Scientific Consulting, Berlin, Host: Karolina Walker (Student Representative of IRTG "Nanocarriers")
Talks 27.07.2017, Career Options Day 2017 in the frame of SFB Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmuth, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Austria, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Schäfer-Korting (Projects C02 and Z01)
Talk 03.11.2017, SFB Colloquium: Skin Barrier Diseases: Pathogenesis and Therapy
Prof. Dr. Andrij Pich, RWTH Aachen, Host: Prof. Dr. M. Calderón (Project A04)
Talk 21.11.2017, SFB Special Seminar: Tailored Surface Modification of Functional Microgels
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bachmann, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Host Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02):
Talk 23.11.2017, SFB Colloquium: Visualizing cellular ultrastructure in biological barriers
Dr. Béhazine Combadiere, Centre d'Immunologie et des Maladies infectieuses, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and PD Dr. Annika Vogt, Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Host Prof. Dr. E. Rühl (Speaker, Projects B02, MGK, Z02):
Talk 14.12.2017, SFB Colloquium: Transcutaneous Immune Cell Targeting - From Bench to Bedside