IRTG "Nanocarriers"
The SFB 1112 Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) "Nanocarriers" is member of the Doctoral Degree Program Biomedical Sciences of the Dahlem Research School (DRS).
Jeannette Latino (née Getzin), M.A., Tel. (030) 838 62988, Email: (at)
Prof. Dr. Eckart Rühl, Institut für Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universität Berlin
Executive Body of IRTG "Nanocarriers"
Please find an overview of our IRTG members and dissertation projects here.
Classes and Teaching
Starting in fall 2013 (Winter Semester 2013/14) the following types of classes and teaching will be available for members for the Integrated Training Group "Nanocarriers":
- CRC 1112 Colloquium: Contributions from guests and members of CRC 1112 will be discussed (at four selected dates on Thursday, 5 pm (17:00), Freie Universität Berlin, Takustr. 3, Lecture Hall).
- Special Lecture: The PI of CRC 1112 give lectures on special topics related to CRC 1112.
- Block Seminar: Important topics for the interdisciplinary audience of CRC 1112 will be presented and discussed, so that non-specialists will improve their competence.
- Methods-Forum: The important methods used in CRC 1112 are presented in a clear and transparent way.
- Disciplinary Forum: Strengthening the disciplinary competence is subject of meetings for specialists in each field covered by CRC 1112.
- Compact Classes: The combination of theoretical and practical skills is the key to increase the competence of members of CRC 1112 coming from different disciplines. Certificates are issued after successful participation.
- Student Symposium: The graduate students and post-docs of the Integrated Research Training Group "Nanocarriers" organize their own workshops and symposia for presenting and discussing their results among peers.
- Soft Skills: Dahlem Research School offers a broad scope of classes that can be elected. This includes language classes, professional training, etc.