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Members only

The Members only area of SFB 1112 is established at the Blackboard-Learning Management System (LMS) of Freie Universität Berlin:

Access via: Blackboard LMS FU Berlin

SFB 1112 uses this Blackboard-platform:

IRTG "Nanocarriers" uses this Blackboard-platform:
BIOCHEPHA_IRTG_Nanocarriers_14S: Integrated Research Training Group “Nanocarriers”

Only members of SFB 1112 and associated scientists have access to these SFB platforms.
Both platforms are accessable via the tab "Courses" on the Blackboard-website if you already had a Blackboard user account when the platforms where established.
The function "self-enrolment" is not appliccable for both platforms, enrolment is only possible via the central administration of the SFB office. For enrolment, please send us your Blackboard user name.

If problems occur, please contact the scientific coordinator: Dr. Ruth Hirschberg, ruth.hirschberg (at) fu-berlin.de, Tel. 0 30-83 85 53 51