Summer Term 2017
SFB 1112 Colloquium: information and fixed dates
22.06.2017: Talks Dr. Kerstin Wolk and Dr. Ellen Witte, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
06.07.2017: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bäumer, currently North Carolina State University, Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh; USA; from July 2017: Institute of Pharmakology and Toxikology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Freie Universität Berlin: Hit the road JAK – JAK inhibitors for the topical treatment of atopic dermatitis
27.07.2017: Career Options Day:
Dr. Ludger Neumann, Wissenschaftl. Direktor, L'Oréal, Düsseldorf
Dr. Jonathan Vonnemann, Catenion Scientific Consulting, Berlin
planned: Talk Prof. Dr. Johannes Wohlrab, University Halle
Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Moderne Methoden der Spektroskopie", Prof. Dr. Eckart Rühl; tuesdays, 8:00 - 10:00 am (lecture) and wednesdays, 14:00 - 16:00 pm (tutorial), start on: April 18, 2017 (lecture) and April, 26, 2017 (tutorial), room: seminar room "Anorganik", Fabeckstr. 34/36 (lecture) and room 26.07, Takustraße 3 (tutorial). Details.
Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Polymeric and inorganic bio(nano)materials for biomedical applications", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annabelle Bertin, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderón; wednesdays, 9:00 am-01:00 pm, start on: April 19, 2017, room 23.03, Takustraße 3, Details.
Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Coherent Spectroscopy", Prof. Dr. Robert Bittl; mondays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and thursdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (lecture), tuesdays 16:00 - 18:00 pm (tutorial), start on: April 20, 2017 (lecture) and April, 25, 2017 (tutorial), room: "FB-Raum" (1.1.16), Arnimallee 14 (lecture), room E3 (1.4.31), Arnimallee 14 (tutoial). Details.
Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics", Prof. Dr. Roland Netz; tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and fridags 08:00 - 10:00 am (lecture), tuesdays 12:00 - 14:00 pm and fridays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (tutorial), start on: April 18, 2017 (lecture) and April, 25, 2017 (tutorial), room: lecture hall A (1.3.14), Arnimallee 14 (lecture), room T2 (1.4.03), Arnimallee 14 (tutorial). Details.
Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Nanotechnologie: Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien in biologischen Systemen, Aufnahme / Biokinetik, Exposition und Toxizitätstestung", Dr. Andrea Haase; mondays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, room 23.02, Takustr. 3; obligatory talk and registration: 24.04.2017, 10:00 am, room 23.03, Takustr. 3. Details.
Special lecture and seminar "Translation von Projektideen in Forschungs- und Startup-Projekte "Trans Pro Idee", Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag/Tutors, alternating dates, start on: 17.04.2017, for more details please click here.
Other Classes and Teaching of IRTG "Nanocarriers":Block Seminars, Method Fora, Disciplinary Fora, Compact Courses, Professional Training
*** NEW *** Mini-Symposium Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy of Biological and Synthetic Supramolecular Architectures, FU Core Facility BioSupraMola and Research Center of Electron Microscopy, 02.06.2017, 9:00 am - 14:00 pm, please register till 30.04.2017; more information and scientific program will be made available at
Method Forum Confocal Laser Microscopy: Organizers: Team C05, AG Prof. J. Lademann, Tuesday, June 27, 2017. Details.
Method Forum Rasterelektronenmikroskopie: Organizers: Team B01, AG Prof. E. Rühl, details will be announced.
Method Forum Proteincharakterisierung: Organizers: Team C02, AG Prof. S. Hedtrich, details will be announced.
Block Seminar "Schlüsselqualifikationen für die pharmazeutische Forschung" (key qualification, Soft Skills), Prof. Dr. D. Klinger, details will be announced.
Block Seminar "Biochemische Grundlagen, Haut und Schleimhäute", PD Dr. K. Danker, Charité, June 21, 2017, June 22, 2017, June 28, 2017. Details.
Disciplinary Forum, Project Area A: planned for October 12, 2017; details will be announced.
Disziplinary Forum, Project Area B: program; details.
Disciplinary Forum, Project Areas C + Z: program; details.
Tag der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis - Publikationsprozesse und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis (German only)
14.06.2017, 9:30 - 13:15 Uhr, Rost- und Silberlaube, Seminarzentrum, Raum L 115, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, FU Campus Dahlem
Die Veranstaltung der Dahlem Research School richtet sich mit vier offenen Vorträgen am Vormittag an (Nachwuchs-)WissenschaftlerInnen und an alle, die sich für die Thematik wissenschaftlicher Integrität und verantwortungsvoller Ausübung von Forschung interessieren.
Ohne wissenschaftliche Publikationen keine Wissenschaft – nur mit Büchern und Zeitschriftenartikeln werden wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse langfristig Teil der Diskussion in der wissenschaftlichen Community, sie sind darüber hinaus die „Währung“ mit der wissenschaftliche Reputation gewonnen wird. Die gute wissenschaftliche Praxis des Publizierens ist daher zentral für das Funktionieren von Wissenschaft. Der diesjährige Tag der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis der Dahlem Research School beschäftigt sich mit diesem Thema.
Bitte melden Sie sich mit der Online Anmeldung für den Tag der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis an. Die Veranstaltung kann im Rahmen der Studienanforderungen im Bereich gute wissenschaftliche Praxis als Studienleistung angerechnet werden.
Programm als PDF
Anfahrt Seminarzentrum
Course "Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing".
Fixed dates: tuesdays 17:00 - 19:00 pm, start on April 18, 2017.
For registration and more information please see here.
Please also consider course offerings of the DRS doctoral studies program Biomedical Sciences: Course Program Summer Term 2017
For selected courses for Professional Training please see here:
*** NEW *** Seminar Generation and Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Animals, July 10th, 2017
course S 12 f SoSe 2017
Generation and Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Animals, Seminar, 2 h, max. 20 participants, July 10th, 2017, 4:15 pm; Veterinary Pathology, Robert–von–Ostertag–Str. 15, seminar room |
Map Institute of Veterinary Pathology.jpg
Please register until 6th of July 2017 with Angela Daberkow/DRS Biomedical Sciences
*** aktuell *** Doctoral Student Symposium, September 22, 2017
Registration Deadline and Abstract Submission until July 1, 2017:
For more details please see here.
fu:stat - individual statistical support and courses in statistical theory and software programs
fu:stat – statistical consulting office at the FU offers individual statistical support free of charge. fu:stat delivers assistance with empirical studies, gives help with choosing the right statistical method and accompanies you while writing your research thesis or conducting your empirical research project. Additionally, the fu:stat team offers courses in statistical theory and multiple software programs (courses are mainly held in German).
Please also consider course offerings of the Potsdam Graduate School in the area of Professional Training. You can find a list of the current courses here. On request, the costs for the courses can be covered for SFB members.
Classes and Teachings of Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies
Please look at the course offerings of the BSRT in the area of Scientific Education (special lectures, method forums, block seminars) as well as Professional Training (Complementary Education). You can find a list of the current courses here. On request, the costs for the courses can be covered for SFB members.