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Winter Term 2016/17

Whole-term classes and teaching of IRTG "Nanocarriers"

SFB 1112 Colloquium: information and fixed dates
*** please note current dates: ***
26.01.2017: Talk Prof. Dr. Robert Gurny, Geneva University
10.02.2017 internal SFB 1112 Colloquium
16.02.2017 internal SFB 1112 Colloquium
09.03.2017: Talk Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frieß, LM-University Munich
23.03.2017: PD Dr. Kerstin Danker and PD. Dr. Arne Schäfer, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
**postponed, re-scheduled for Summer Term 2017**:  Talks Dr. Kerstin Wolk and Dr. Ellen Witte, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Polymeric and macromolecular therapeutics and diagnostic agents"
, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderón, 4 SWS/ 5 CP, thursdays, 2:00 - 6:00 pm, room 36.07, Takustr. 3, starts on: October 20, 2016, details.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Soft matter v2.0", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annabelle Bertin and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderón, 4 SWS/ 5 CP, mondays, 2:00 - 6:00 pm, room 23.02, Takustr. 3, starts on: October 17, 2016, details.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Advanced Statistical Physics II", Prof. Roland Netz,  4 + 2 SWS, (lecture) mondays and wednesdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm , lecture hall A, Arnimallee 14, starts on: October 17, 2016, details. (tutorial) tuesdays and fridays, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, tuesdays seminar room 1.4.03 T2, Fridays 1.1.16 FB-room,  Arnimallee 14, starts on: October 25, 2016, details.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Introduction to Macromolecular Chemistry", Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag, for more details please click here.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Advanced Macromolecular Chemistry ", Prof. Dr. M. Calderón, Prof. Dr. M. Adeli, PD Dr. B. Schartel, Prof. Dr. A. Lendlein, El-Toufaili, for more details please click here.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Drug targeting and molecular imaging", Dr. K. Licha, 3 CP, tuesdays, 8:30 - 10:00 am, room 34.16-17, Takustr. 3; starts on: October 18, 2016, for more details please click here.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Funktionale Polymeroberflächen / Functional polymer surfaces", Dr. U. Schedler, Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag, 2 SWS / 3 CP, wednesdays 2:00 - 04:00 pm, room 33.03, Takustr. 3, starts on: October 19, 2016, for more details please click here.

Special lecture and corresponding tutorial "Molekülspektroskopie", Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse lecture 2 SWS, tutorial 1 SWS; lecture: Thursday 11:00 am - 13:00 pm, tutorial: Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 am, room: lecture hall "Kristallographie", Takustr. 6, FU Campus Dahlem, start on: October 20, 2016 (lecture), October 27, 2016 (tutorial), details: lecture, tutorial.

Tutorial/lab course "Molekülspektroskopie", Dr. Roman Flesch, Prof. Dr. Eckart Rühl et al., obligatory preliminary meeting and safety briefing on Friday October 21, 2016, details.

Special lecture and seminar "Translation von Projektideen in Forschungs- und Startup-Projekte", Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag, 2 SWS / 3 CP. Alternating dates here, for more details please click here.

Other Classes and Teaching of IRTG "Nanocarriers":
Block Seminars, Method Fora, Disciplinary Fora, Compact Courses, Professional Training

*** NEW *** Statistics calss "Data analysis and data reduction", Dr. Roman Flesch: 16. + 23.03.2017, 15:00-17:00 hrs, Seminar room 36.07 (3rd floor), Takustr. 3, FU Campus Dahlem. Please register in advance via Yulia Feskova  (yulia.feskova at fu-berlin.de).

*** NEW *** Mini-Symposium Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy of Biological and Synthetic Supramolecular Architectures, FU Core Facility BioSupraMola and Research Center of Electron Microscopy, 02.06.2017m, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Registration deadline: 30.04.2017; more information and scientific program will be made available at www.biosupramol.de

Method Forum CMS Nanocarriers: Organizers: Karolina Walker and Michael Unbehauen, October 21, 2016, details

Method Forum ESR (theory and application): Organizers: Team B01, Prof. Dr. R. Bittl, Dr. C. Teutloff, PD Dr. M. Meinke, October 13, 2016, details

Method Forum Confocal Laser Microscopy: Organizers: Team C05, AG Prof. J. Lademann, January 10, 2017, details 

Method Forum Rasterelektronenmikroskopie: Organizers: Team B01, AG Prof. E. Rühl, details will be announced

Disciplin Forum, Project Area A: Organisation: Prof. Dr. M. Calderón; Prof. Dr. D. Klinger; Friday, 17.02.2017, 14:00 - 17:00 hrs, Lecture Hall, Takustr. 3 

Disciplin Forum, Project Area B: Organisation: Prof. Dr. M. Meinke; Prof. Dr. R. Rühl; Friday, 17.02.2017, 14:00 - 17:00 hrs, Lecture Hall, Takustr. 3

Disciplin Forum, Project Areas C + Z: Organisation: Dr. F. Rancan and Dr. L. Mundhenk; Thursday, 09.03.2017, 13:00 -17:00 hrs, Lecture Hall, Takustr. 6 (please note alternate location)

Classes and Teaching of Graduate School BB3R:

*** NEW *** BB3R Spring School 2017, 3. - 5. April 2017
Tierversuche - Rechtliche und ethische Aspekte (German only)
Registration Deadline: March 10, 2017 via Lisa Grohmann (lisa.grohman at fu-berlin.de); Details

- Doctoral Symposium, September 27, 2016, 9:00 - 11:00 am, Institut für Pharmazie, FU Berlin, seminar room 1 (EG), Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4, FU Campus Dahlem, Programm, Details

Selected Classes and Teaching of Doctoral Program Biomedical Sciences:

*** NEW*** Biomedical Sciences Spring School 2017, March, 6 - 10 and March, 13 - 17, 2017
Further Information: Announcement, Program
It is possible to participate in select classes of the Spring School; for questions and registration please contact Angela Daberkow (Angela.Daberkow at fu-berlin.de).

*** NEW ***: Karrieretag für Promovierende 2017 ***
(German only)
Berufstätige Promovierte aus der Öffentlichen und Privaten Forschung, dem Non-Profit-Sektor, Behörden & Ministerien, aus der Privatwirtschaft und aus dem Bereich Wissenschaftskommunikation & -management werden in Podiumsdiskussionen von ihrem Arbeitsalltag sowie Ihrem Werdegang berichten und sich anschließend Fragen des Publikums stellen. Im Anschluss an die Podiumsdiskussionen wird es zudem die Möglichkeit geben, die Referenten persönlich zu sprechen.
Termin: Dienstag, 28.02.2017, Ort: Henry-Ford-Bau, FU Campus Dahlem; nähere Informationen: Karriertag 2017

*** NEW ***: Publikationsberatung für Promovierende: Veranstaltungen " Wissenswerkstatt" der Staatsbibliothek 2017 ***
(German only)
Publish or Perish: Aktuelle Workshops zum Wissenschaftliches Publizieren für Promovierende
Termine: März 2017, Ort: Staatsbibliothek, Haus Potsdamer Straße; nähere Informationen: Publish or Perish 2017

Classes and Teaching of Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) :
- Block seminar Flow Cytometry
, Dr. Hyun-Dong Chang, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin,  October 24.- 25, 2016, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm; Details
- Block seminar Histology (connective tissue), Prof. Dr. Britt Wildemann, Dr. Hanna Schell, November 07 - 08, 2016, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm; Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Institutsgebäude Süd, Glaskasten 2.0015 and lab; Details
more details and registration: BSRT-Koordinationsteam: coordination_office (at) bsrt.de

Special Seminar Winter Term 2016/17

Prof. Dr. Jos Paulusse, Biomaterials Science and Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands:
Degradable vinyl polymers in gene delivery

Language Classes

Dahlem Research School: German Language Course for Doctoral Candidates

Dahlem Research School offers two free of charge pre-semester German courses in Spring 2017:
In cooperation with the university’s language Center, Dahlem Research School offers two intensive German language courses before the Summer Semester starts (March 6  – April 13, 2017). Both are free of charge. One is for absolute beginners and the other one is for beginners with little knowledge of German (level A1).

Interested international doctoral candidates have to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Proof that you are a doctoral candidate at Freie Universität Berlin
    (scan of Student ID Card, the "Immatrikulationsbescheinigung" of Freie Universität Berlin).
  • No or little prior knowledge of German.

Registration deadline is February 5, 2017.

Classes and Teachings of Doctoral Study Program Biomedical Sciences

Please also consider course offerings of the DRS doctoral studies program Biomedical Sciences: Course Program Winter Term 2016 will be announced

fu:stat - individual statistical support and courses in statistical theory and software programs

fu:stat – statistical consulting office at the FU offers individual statistical support free of charge. fu:stat delivers assistance with empirical studies, gives help with choosing the right statistical method and accompanies you while writing your research thesis or conducting your empirical research project. Additionally, the fu:stat team offers courses in statistical theory and multiple software programs (courses are mainly held in German).

Classes and Teachings of Potsdam Graduate School

Please also consider course offerings of the Potsdam Graduate School in the area of Professional Training. You can find a list of the current courses here. On request, the costs for the courses can be covered for SFB members.

Classes and Teachings of Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies

Please look at the course offerings of the BSRT in the area of Scientific Education (special lectures, method forums, block seminars) as well as Professional Training (Complementary Education). You can find a list of the current courses  here. On request, the costs for the courses can be covered for SFB members.