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Daniel Klinger appointed Junior Professor for Chemical Nanopharmaceutics

News from Mar 03, 2016

In February 2016 Dr. Daniel Klinger was appointed Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) for Chemical Nanopharmaceutics at the Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Pharmacy, where he now focuses on the development of functional polymeric nanomaterials.

He is currently building up his group in the Institute of Pharmacy and is developing new synthetic strategies for nanomaterials with applications in such fields as nanopharmaceutics and materials science.

Daniel is combining his expertise in polymer synthesis, colloidal chemistry, self-assembly and the physics of interfaces to a multidisciplinary research concept. This enables innovative approaches that span from molecular design, synthesis, and characterization to the final application.

In his current position as Juniorprofessor for Chemical Nanopharmaceutics, he focuses e.g. on the development of stimuli-responsive micro- and nano gels as new carrier materials for topical applications. Additionally, he is also interested in phase-separated block copolymer nanoparticles, and new polymers and composite materials for applications in photonics, optoelectronics and thermal conductors.



SFB 1112 cordially welcomes Daniel Klinger and is looking forward to close cooperation!

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