Poster Prize of IRTG "Nanocarriers"
Announcement 3 Poster Prizes of IRTG "Nanocarriers" of CRC 1112 in 2016
For further information please see here.
Announcement Poster Prize 2016
Winners Poster Prizes of IRTG “Nanocarriers” of CRC 1112 in 2015
The scientific committee of CRC 1112 has awarded the 2015 Poster Prizes of IRTG "Nanocarriers" to the following contributions:
First Prize:
Kenji Yamamoto, R. Flesch, T. Ohigashi, S. Hedtrich, A. Klossek, P. Patoka, G. Ulrich, S. Ahlberg, F. Rancan, A. Vogt, U. Blume-Peytavi, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, M. Weigand, M. Schäfer-Korting, N. Kosugi, and E. Rühl, 2015:
Quantitative Investigations of Drug Penetration into Human Skin.
(Project B02, Rühl group)
Equal Second Prizes:
Janna Frombach, Fiorenza Rancan, Emanuel Fleige, Rainer Haag, Fabian Schumacher, Burkhard Kleuser, Kenji Yamamoto, EckartRühl, Ulrike Blume-Peytavi, Annika Vogt, 2015:
Skin penetration and dexamethasone release from polymer nanoparticles in ex vivo human skin.
(Project C04, Vogt/Blume-Peytavi group)
Silke B. Lohan, N Icken, C Teutloff, R Bittl, J Lademann, E Fleige, M Unbehauen, R Haag, SF Haag, MC Meinke, 2015:
Localization of EPR probes and labeled drugs in nanocarriers and their penetration and release in skin.
(Project B01, Meinke/Bittl group)
Congratulations to all three winners!
The prizes were awarded at the 5th General Assembly of CRC 1112 on April 8, 2016.