Special Lecture "Polymeric and inorganic bio(nano)materials for biomedical applications"
Jun. Prof. Dr. M. Calderón, Institut für Chemie und Biochemie, FU Berlin, TP A04
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annabelle Bertin, Institut für Chemie und Biochemie, FU Berlin & BAM-Division 6.5
Dr. Sarah Küchler, Institut für Pharmazie, FU Berlin, TP C02
Time: Wednesdays, 9:00 - 13:00 (9.00 am - 1 pm)
Starting: April 16, 2014
Location: Institut für Chemie und Biochemie - Organische Chemie, FU Berlin, Takustraße 3, Room 33.03
5 CP
Number of Participants and Registration:
There will be limited access to this lecture, at the moment a contigent of 10 participants is reserved for SFB 1112.
Therefore, please register with Jeannette Getzin in case you are interested: jeannette.getzin (at) fu-berlin.de
The underlying chemistry and biopharmaceutical principles and remaining challenges will be presented and discussed along with examples from the lab and every day life.
The students will be expected to give a talk and write a paper. For more information please see Jun.-Prof. Calderón's homepage